Counseling and Coaching for stress, worry, and fear
Feel more Calm, Relaxed, and Happy
Hi there! I’m Nichole, a mental health counselor and coach! I am so glad you are here.
As an anxiety survivor, I am here to help women relieve anxiety symptoms and build lives of calm, peacefulness, and more joy.
Imagine waking up each day feeling secure, calm, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.
Imagine breaking free from the cycle of worry and stepping into a life of joy and fulfillment.
This is what I strive to help you achieve with counseling.
Because I know you want to feel like you are ok…no matter what, and like life is going to be ok.
But you are always worried, stressed, and expecting the worst, and your body is so tense. Your mind never stops. If you could just get a minute to think about things or relax, you might feel better. But, you are…
You’re Overworked. Exhausted much? You’re constantly overcommitting and taking on more than you can handle at work or with your family. Despite all your hard work, there's always more on your to-do list. You're stuck in constant survival mode, often feeling irritable and resentful.
You’re Overwhelmed. With so much going on in life, it feels impossible to prioritize your needs. You know you could be taking better care of yourself, eating better, having fun, and getting enough sleep, but you don’t know where to start or what will actually move the needle for your specific circumstances.
You’re Overthinking. Your spinning mind is on a rollercoaster of worry, self-doubt, and inner criticism. Sleep is difficult because the same old stories play out on repeat: fear of failure, fear of what might happen, fear of not being worthy, and fear of not belonging. They cloud your mind and are hijacking your peace.
So it never seems you find any peace of mind. And deep down, you know you can’t feel ok and calm while you are overthinking, overworking and overwhelmed.
Something has got to change.
Through counseling and coaching, you can find calm and quiet in your mind, ease in your body, and (actually) like yourself.
Prioritize your needs and nurture your body to feel more energy and at ease…without the guilt!
Quiet the mind, decrease overwhelm, anxiety, and worry so you feel calm, more joyful and relaxed.
Discover freedom from that inner mean girl voice to find peace and know you are ok…no matter what.
You have tried counseling and read a million books, but nothing seems to work.
My unique holistic counseling protocol combines therapy, Yoga/Ayurveda, nervous system regulation, and unconscious work so you find real relief from anxiety, worry, and panic.
I combine supportive and compassionate counseling and coaching with ancient wisdom and cutting-edge techniques that access the unconscious brain to create lasting changes.
Anxiety Therapy
Spinning and scary thoughts, overwhelm, feeling on edge and stressed without knowing why, and being worried all of the time are symptoms of anxiety.
Chronic anxiety is very uncomfortable to feel. You can feel like you are losing your mind and there is no escape from it.
Counseling can help you find relief.
Brainspotting Therapy
Brainspotting is a brain-body-based counseling intervention that accesses the unconscious mind to help you process the emotions surrounding past experiences and memories.
Talk therapy alone cannot access the deeper, emotional areas of the brain.
Brainspotting gets to the root and gives lasting relief.
Women’sTherapy +Perinatal Specialist
With over a decade of experience counseling women across the lifespan and in the perinatal period, Nichole is an expert in helping others navigate the sacred ground of womanhood.
As an advocate for women, Nichole offers practical and powerful solutions to help women feel calm, more joyful, and relaxed.
Yoga+Ayurvedic Services with an Emphasis in Women’s Health
Yoga is the oldest form of counseling on the planet. Yoga’s true definition is bringing the unconscious into consciousness.
Add the ancient science of well-being, Ayurveda (the medical side of yoga) to counseling and you have a powerful combination for change.
Ayurveda and yoga bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment so you experience a life of greater calm and joy.
Money coaching:
My newest and most exciting offer, Magical Mystical Money, is a money course for women. I found that my anxious clients are also worried about money, afraid to check their bank account, and feel like they are going to run out...even if they always have enough. Plus, these fabulous women are entrepreneurs and are struggling to make money. So, after years of my own money worries, I am healing my money story and so excited to share what I have learned along the way.
Let’s get started. I offer a free 20-30 minute phone consultation to make sure we are a good fit.
What my Clients say:

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