3 Facts About Your Nervous System
Last week I did my first RRR workshop all about the importance of nervous system regulation. I love geeking out about stuff that is going to help my clients feel calmer and synthesizing all of the info into a nice, neat package.
Today, I thought I'd share some helpful tidbits from my workshop.
Did you know???
–One of the best ways to soothe overwhelm, worry, anxiety, and stress is to take your energy DOWN your body. You can do this by pulling your breath as deep into your torso as possible (without stress or strain) and then imagining you are breathing down the legs and out the bottoms of the feet. Try it out and let me know what you notice.
–Your amygdala is this tiny almond shaped part of your brain that has a BIG job in emotional regulation. It is always asking: Am I safe? Do I matter? The answers to these questions are often based on the emotions and memories that are stored there. So, if you have had a negative interaction with a cat, every time you see a cat your little amygdala is going to send the "I'm not safe!!!" signal to the rest of your nervous system and your body does what it needs to be feel safe again. If you are cool with cats then your amygdala will continue to feel safe. You reactions to your life and circumstances are so personal and individual!!
–Your brain and body send messages to each other every second of the day. BUT only 20% of the message come from your brain and 80% of the messages go from the body to the brain. The body is in charge, which is why work that is body-based (AKA somatic) is so important in healing.
The nervous system is truly an amazing thing and so important in your overall physical and emotional health. I am always learning more and more about it, if you have any questions...let me know!
Pssssttt....As Ferris says, "Life moves pretty fast." So our nervous system tries to keep up. Unfortunately this causes all sorts of dysregulation...add that to old unresolved emotions and experiences (planted in the amygdala) and you have the perfect recipe for anxiety, ie...worry, overwhelm, and STRESS!! I help my clients find regulation so they feel more calm and relaxed. Join my membership to get relief. Get started by booking a 30-minute consult with me: https://consultwithnichole.as.me/consult