Brainspotting Intensive:

Kick off your healing with an in-depth Brainspotting Session

Find Relief from Trauma and Anxiety FAST

Get calm, reduce fear, & panic while also relieving the pain of unresolved trauma with a

Brainspotting Intensive

A 3-hour intensive for women who have recently experienced a trauma, have unresolved trauma or are just tired of carrying around stress, fear, panic, and overwhelm so they can feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful.

You are tired of thinking about this thing you had happen to you and tired of how overwhelmed, stressed, and panicked you feel. You just want to move on. 

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • You have tried talk therapy (and maybe you are even working with a therapist now) but the uncomfortable emotions and memories of the trauma continue to persist.

  • You really don’t understand why you feel the way you do and it would be nice if you could figure it…or at least figure out how to make the fear, panic, and overwhelm stop…because at this point yoga, meditation, exercise, and mindlessly watching Netflix only lessens the pain for a little while.

  • You honestly don’t really want to talk about it anymore, you feel like a broken record. It would be wonderful if you could work with your story without really  having to tell all of the details.

You want to feel peaceful but you can’t shake fear, overwhelm, and stress

Especially since…

  • Your life is busy. You would rather feel better quickly rather than try to figure out how to make it to weekly therapy sessions.

  • You are afraid that if you talk about how you feel or what  happened to you you will be sent into a well of overwhelm and never get out.

  • You don’t believe you can actually feel better. The trauma you had seems to have altered who you are forever. 

  • You are so used to feeling of fear, panic, and overwhelm it’s impossible to imagine that you could actually find relief from these emotions.

Most people are carrying around emotional baggage like a pack rat

When you are unable to digest your experiences fully, those experiences leave a residue behind.

Your nervous system does its best to digest them but sometimes it is just too much.

The residue can cause fear, panic, and overwhelm but also maladaptive ways to living life, being in relationships, and managing stress.

So old negative experiences (conscious and unconscious) impact how you live today. Thus, when you have a recent traumatic event, doing the work to process it helps to clean up the residue and decrease the emotional reactivity to it.

A Brainspotting Intensive simultaneously works on the residue of both old and new traumatic experiences.

Just imagine how at ease you would feel if you could…

  • Wake up in the morning feeling light and ready to take on your day without the weight of worry, fear, and panic..

  • Sit on your couch in the evening and really relax and enjoy your family.

  • When you think about the traumatic event and your heart doesn’t race, you don’t cry, feel sick or start shaking.

  • Be present and engaged at work and feel like a productive member of your team.

 Want to know how? Well, you’re in exactly the right place!

A Brainspotting Intensive:

an efficient and powerful way to resolve old and new trauma and release and ease worry, fear, and stress.

Investment: $700

Here’s everything you get with a Brainspotting Intensive:

  • A 60-minute intake session: This session is of utmost importance to build our relationship and trust prior to diving in so I can get to know you, and you can get comfortable with me. We will talk about:

    • Your current life experience

    • The issue you would like to address

    • Your goals for the session. 

    • Determine grounding and resourcing interventions for during and after your intensive.

    • Ayurvedic recommendations to support health and well-being

  • 3-hour intensive: The three hour meeting will include a combination o therapy/coaching and brainspotting with time for breaks, snacks, and gentle movement or yoga at the end.

Hi! I’m Nichole, Certified Brainspotting Practitioner

After a lifelong struggle with anxiety that hit its peak during motherhood, I found myself sitting in a therapist’s office ready to find relief. 

My therapist asked me to try Brainspotting and I was hooked. 

For the first time ever I learned how to experience anxiety and learn from it rather than try to run from it and shut it down. 

I began to see how unresolved experiences from my own life were actually causing and fueling my current experience of anxiety. 

My own experience was so profound, I began my training in 2013 and was certified in 2019. In the Spring of 2024 I will begin my training as a Brainspotting Consultant to continue to hone my skills, expand my knowledge, and help other therapists get certified in Brainspotting.

I deeply understand the transformative power of Brainspotting, from my own experience and witnessing many, many clients having life changing (and often spiritual and mystical) results.

Brainspotting accesses the deeper parts of the brain, where all of your emotional baggage is held. You cannot access these deeper parts with talk therapy alone, therefore, Brainspotting offers powerful healing more quickly

Frequently Asked Questions

  • YES! You can do the intake, intensive and follow up session virtually and even a combo of in-person and virtual. Just ensure you are in a quiet space where you will not be interrupted.

  • Nope! We can meet virtually under the coaching arm of my business or you could make a trip of it to visit Boulder.

  • With any Brainspotting session there is a chance of discomfort following the session. I call it a Brainspotting hangover as your brain continues to process emotions beyond our sessions. However, these experiences are typically short lived and include feeling fatigue, teary, emotional, or having brain fog. I do my best to track and support you throughout our session to ensure you do not go outside your window of tolerance, where your emotions begin to feel like they are too much to handle because when you are in this place you have left the healing zone…the opposite of what you want. It is incredibly important that you leave time to rest and restore following the intensive.

  • Unfortunately not, but you can use a Flex spending card to pay for your session.

  • The Brainspotting Intensive offers you the luxury of time and healing. We are not rushed during the session yet it is like getting a month’s worth of therapy in one sitting.

An intensive is perfect for you if…

  • Prefer to progress more rapidly than a once-a-week therapy. 

  • Lack sufficient time to meet with a therapist weekly.

  • Want to address a life challenge soon after it occurs. 

  • Want to keep your weekly therapist but work on a more specific issue that is keeping you stuck or is outside the scope of your current therapist.

Are you ready to powerfully and efficiently find peace?
Here’s the truth: talk therapy WORKS, but it only accesses the prefrontal cortex so it’s benefits are limited.

Brainspotting can expedite the process because we work deeply within the brain to make real, lasting shifts.

You don’t have to keep beating the horse and telling your story or let your traumatic experiences hinder your life.

You can feel peace and distance from unresolved trauma.

You deserve to feel calm, peaceful, and joyful.

Are you ready to get started?