What did your soul come here to experience?
Prarabdha karma: what your soul came here to learn this time around.
There are no amount of vision boards, visualizations, meditations, yoga poses, or medical interventions that can save you from your Prarabdha karma.
Spiritual Bypassing, or ignoring difficult feelings, emotions or those most vulnerable parts yourself doesn’t hold a candle to Prarabdha Karma.
It is present until you feel, recognize, and heal your patterns.
You might not be meant to have a gazillion dollars, completely heal your physical body, find the perfect partner, or be a brain surgeon….no matter how badly you want it.
It’s a hard pill to swallow but your soul might be here for something else that likely includes lots of suffering, addiction, or illness.
Anxiety has made it so I can help other people with anxiety, I wouldn’t be the therapist and coach I am today without that experience.
Maybe anxiety for someone might be learning to trust in a greater power OR just learning how to care for themselves more fully (both have been true for me).
So your karma (AKA limitations) actually helps you to heal yourself and move toward spiritual liberation.
It sets you up for deeper cleansing of old crap you carry around with you from lifetime to lifetime.
How do you know what your prarabdha karma is?
What are your patterns? Limitations? What do you keep experiencing over and over and over again?
Do you keep going in and out of debt? Do you keep dating the same person? Finding yourself at the same job? Getting sick?
When life feels like groundhog day, you are in a karmic cycle…when you say, “Ugh…I am HERE AGAIN!!”
Pay attention.
Begin healing by accepting yourself, your circumstances, and your life exactly as it is right now.
Ask yourself, “What am I learning right now? How can l love myself through this?”
By doing this you begin to transform the shit in your life into holy ash.
PS: one of my fav parts of Prarabdha Karma is that it sets you free from the shame of "why can't I manifest/create/do what other people can?"
You can remember that you are here to experience something very specific and you are ok, just as you are ❤️