Regulated, Resilient, and Rested Life Coaching Membership

Stop being dominated by fear, panic, overwhelm, and stress

Feel more calm, happiness, and contentment in my

Regulated, Resilient, and Rested Membership 

1:1 support via life coaching, classes, and meditations for adult women across the lifespan to feel more peace in your body and mind.

You are so used to anxiety that it feels like a normal part of who you are, yet, it is maddening. Your body feels tense and exhausted, you are scared all of the time, and your mind never stops spinning.

You wake up with a heavy feeling your body, certain something is wrong and unsure how you are going to make it through the day.

But you pull yourself out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, and rush to start your day.

Yet, worries weigh you down and it’s hard to concentrate on what you are doing (parenting or working) because you are so preoccupied with what could happen and how to avoid it.

The fear actually pushes you to avoid certain situations. It’s just easier to stay home.

You feel like you miss out on so much…connection, fun, and adventure.

But, the worry and fear win out and you feel irritable, tired, and like you want to hide under your covers.

It’s all exhausting and you just wish your mind would stop for just a little bit so you can catch a breath and break free.

You can imagine the peace and calm that are available to you, you see other women who seem to go about their day with lightness and freedom.

You wonder what is wrong you for not being able to be “normal".

You want to feel calm, happy, and content but your mind is constantly telling you what is wrong, why you should be afraid, and how much of a failure you are because you can’t get yourself together.

Especially since…

  • You have no time. You are already so busy that adding another thing to your schedule feels impossible and even more overwhelming.

  • You know it’s going to be hard to face your life. You have been doing such a great job doing your best not to feel things that digging into your past, trauma, and what’s not going so well sounds really scary and like a lot of work.

  • On top of that, what if getting help doesn’t work? What you are still in the same place, feeling the same misery, and still stuck when it’s over? You would feel like a failure and even more stuck in anxiety, overwhelm, and fear.

Just imagine how calm and happy you would feel if you could…

  • Wake up in the morning feeling light and ready to take on the day.

  • Have a scary thought, but decide not to be paralyzed by fear or go down the rabbit hole of “what if’s.”

  • Be present, relax, and patient with your family and kids. You can go with the flow and have fun rather than be on edge.

  • Be kind to yourself when you aren’t sure of what you are doing, aren’t where you want to be in life, or make mistakes.

  • Put up boundaries around your time and energy without the guilt. When you learn to prioritize your needs and take care of yourself, everyone around you benefits. You feel better, are more attentive parent, loving partner, and high performing employee.

  • Have the time to make yourself a priority and actually take care of your physical and emotional needs like movement, rest, and time for reflection.

You were never taught how to feel your feelings and manage difficult life circumstances, most of us aren’t. Worry and fear have been your default for years, it is how you have managed and survived life.

And, that is totally ok. You have done your best. But, you can also do your best while making decisions from a place of groundedness and presence so you feel more calm and joyful.

With the right tools and guidance, you can be on the path you want to be on.

Ready to find calm, peace, and happiness so your mind is quiet, you aren’t worried and scared all of the time?

Want to know how? Well, you’re in exactly the right place!

Join my

Regulated, Resilient, and Rested Membership

The membership includes learning how to regulate your nervous both experientially through various healing techniques delivered via 1:1 sessions that are in-person or virtual, through education, and guided meditations.

When you are able to regulate your nervous system, you will find that you mind is quiet, you are calmer, and more joyful.

Nervous system regulation increases resiliency and your ability to rest. All three concepts feed into one another leading to:

More Calm, Happiness, and contentment!

Here’s everything you get inside of the membership

  • Two or Three 1:1 in-person or virtual life coaching meetings with Nichole: this is where the magic (and the work) happens. You will start with a 90-minute deep dive session where Nichole. She will base all future recommendations on what she uncovers in this meeting. The remaining sessions are 50-60 minutes, and she will incorporate Ayurveda, Brainspotting, and various other tools to help you move from overwhelm, worry, panic, and fear into calm and joy. You choose two or three monthly sessions. You can always add another one in when you need it.

  • One monthly 30-60-minute group workshop, A workshop to take you beyond what you do in your 1:1 meetings with Nichole. During 1:1 meetings, Nichole focuses on what you need in that moment, but there is so much more you can learn to help support your journey to calm. These workshops will expand upon and deepen the knowledge and tools you learn in 1:1 meetings. I cover topics like hormones, sleep, mindset, breathwork, working with the vagus nerve, the nervous system, money mindset, Ayurveda, yoga, homeopathy, attachment theory, and much more.

  • One monthly yoga nidra, a guided meditation done by lying down to calm your nervous system, improve your mood and stress management, and restore your energy!


Level One Life Coaching: Two 1:1 sessions plus all of the above: $330

Level Two Life Coaching: Three 1:1 sessions plus all of the above: $480

**Additional sessions available at your prorated rate

Ready to Join?

Meet your guide, Nichole:

friendly female life coach sitting on a chair with her face resting on her hand

Nichole is an experienced therapist and life coach who specializes in treating people who struggle with feeling the heaviness of panic, fear, overwhelm and who also have that mean girl voice whispering in their ear what a failure they are for not getting their shit together. She is trained in various healing modalities to help her clients feel more peaceful, calm, and happy. She believes that individual support, along with education and rest, will help you find the calm you are looking for…faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I recommend making a three month commitment to yourself. But, you are free to leave at any time with a 30-day notice. You may also put your membership on hold in the case of illness, travel, or life circumstances.

  • Simply send me an email 30 days prior to wanting to end.

  • Of course. There will be some months you need more support. But as time goes on, my clients typically need less support so you can drop down sessions as well.

  • I am an out-of-network provider, therefore I do not take insurance. However, I can provide you a superbill for reimbursement.

  • Absolutely not! You can join under the coaching arm of my business if that is clinically appropriate. Meaning you are joining to expand yourself and you are demonstrating any clinically significant symptoms like suicidal or homicidal ideation.

  • I will collect your credit card information and you will be charged at the beginning of the month for your selected number of services.

  • 1:1 meetings are 50-60 minutes. However, the first session is 90 minutes. Classes will be between 30-60 minutes. Yoga nidras are 20-30 minutes long.

Regulated, Resilient, and Rested is perfect for you if…

  • You are really ready to change your relationship with anxiety and decrease fear and worry.

  • You want a different, innovative approach to counseling and coaching that includes support beyond 1:1 sessions.

  • You love to learn about self-help and personal growth is your jam.

  • Life coaching is for those who are ready to move forward in their lives. If you are struggling with a mental health crisis, therapy is going to be the best thing for you.

Are you ready to be calm, joyful, and content?

Here’s the truth:

Anxiety is a part of life. You need it to survive, grow, and keep yourself safe and healthy.

But anxiety has become a way of life. Humans are no longer running from tigers. Your lifestyle, thoughts, experiences, and traumas keep you in a state of anxiety and stress hormones.

You don’t have to keep perpetuating the fear, worry, and stress cycle.

You can experience anxiety when it is necessary and not become stuck or overwhelmed by it.
You deserve to feel peaceful and happy.

When you are no longer under the grip of anxiety, you are free to experience life in a full way. You start doing the things you want, loving more deeply, and become more resilient to life challenges.

I am here to support you along your way with my years of experience transforming anxiety for myself and my clients.

Are you ready to get started?