Magical Mystical Money: Money Coaching for Women

Magical Mystical Money: Unlock the Calmness Around Money You Deserve

Money Coaching for Women

Are you a female entrepreneur who’s invested time, energy, and countless business coaching hours into growing your business, but something still isn’t clicking? You’ve got the vision, the skills, and the drive… yet the financial flow you’re seeking seems just out of reach. No matter how hard you try, you can’t quite crack the code to the thriving financial abundance you deserve and your money situation sends you into panic.

Welcome to Magical Mystical Money – a transformative money mindset course designed just for YOU.

What is Magical Mystical Money?

Magical Mystical Money is a groundbreaking course for women entrepreneurs who are tired of freaking out about money and ready to break free from the emotional and energetic blocks holding them back from true financial success. It’s not another business strategy or cookie-cutter coaching program – this is a deep dive into the unconscious, spiritual, and emotional realms of your relationship with money.

We know you’ve done the work. You’ve built your business, invested in coaching, and put in the hours, but somehow, the flow of financial abundance still feels stuck. You still have a panic attack when you look at your bank app, think about your debt, or wonder how you will retire. This course is designed to shift that.

What You’ll Experience:

In Magical Mystical Money, we’re not just talking numbers. We’re talking about trust, nervous system regulation, and deepening your spirituality. You’ll explore:

  • Money Svadhyaya: This course is self-study (svadhyaya). Begin to understand how your current experience with money is rooted in very old patterns and programs instilled in you at a young age. Experiences that may not seem to have anything to do with money at all, yet they are sabotaging your ability to make, keep, and feel calm about money.

  • Releasing Financial Blocks: Using deep spiritual practices like Brainspotting, Yogic philosophy, and money mindset, you’ll uncover the subconscious patterns that keep you stuck in financial struggle.

  • Deep Emotional Healing: Heal from past financial traumas and experiences that have created emotional blocks around wealth. You will heal these blocks and experience healing in other areas of your life. You cannot treat money as a separate topic; it is an integral part of your being. So, healing money heals many things.

Why Magical Mystical Money? It’s so much more than your typical business coach….

You’ve been doing everything “right” in your business, but something is still off. That’s because traditional business and money coaching often overlooks the emotional, spiritual, and unconscious components of financial success. You can’t “mindset” your way through everything.

This course will take you where other programs haven’t – to the heart of your money beliefs and patterns - your unconscious mind and your connection to the Divine.

When you transform your money mindset from the inside out, you’ll finally create the lasting change you’ve been seeking. You'll feel calmer when you look at your bank account and deeply trust that everything is always working out for you.

Who is This Course For?

Magical Mystical Money is perfect for female entrepreneurs who:

  • Have already invested in business coaching or money coaching and business strategies but still feel stuck financially.

  • Are tired of the endless cycle of money anxiety and scarcity, even though they always have enough.

  • Want to connect with the spiritual side of money and wealth creation.

  • Are ready to rewrite their money story and create a new, thriving financial reality.

  • Are at any income level who want to continue to expand, because as your expansion gets bigger, it can also get more intense!

What You’ll Get:

  • 12 Transformative Money Mindset Modules: Each week, you’ll receive a new module that will take you deeper into your personal money journey.

  • Three Guided Meditations: Close your eyes and let your unconscious re-write your money story and emotions around money.

  • Eight 1:1 Brainspotting MoneyCoaching Calls: You get personalized support and answers to your questions in our live coaching sessions. Brainspotting and other unconscious magic tools are the heart of this course. It is where we access the unconscious mind, where all of our experiences are stored, to reset and release old experiences that create distress around money and everything else in your life.

  • Lifetime Access to the course content: Revisit the content anytime you need a boost of inspiration or a mindset reset.

Meet your guide, Nichole:

Nichole is an experienced therapist and life coach who specializes in treating people who struggle with feeling the heaviness of panic, fear, overwhelm, worry, who also have that mean girl voice whispering in their ear what a failure they are for not getting their shit together.

She is trained in various healing modalities to help her clients feel more peaceful, calm, and happy. She believes that individual support, along with education and rest, will help you find the calm you are looking for…faster.

friendly woman who is a money coach sitting on a chair

Nichole created MMM after years of experiencing years of business coaching and money coaching that only focused on mindset which offered minimal results.

Due to her training in Brainspotting, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Ayurveda/yoga, she knew that the key to making changes in our body and mind lay in working with the unconscious mind. This includes money and business.

Yet, she kept hiring business coach after business coach who focused solely on mindset work. This didn’t quite do the trick and led to feelings of shame and inadequacy. She often wondered why so many other coaches and therapists seemed to have six-figure businesses, and she couldn’t get over $100k.

Serendipitously, she met a coach who did “money spotting,” which is Brainspotting for money difficulties.

Shortly after experiencing moneyspotting, she found the book It’s Not Your Money by Tosha Silver.

She found that doing the unconscious and spiritual work unlocked not only feeling calm and in control of her money situation but also a deep sense of knowing that she would always be ok and the Divine did not overlook her…that was the biggest gift of all.

Plus, she experienced a mega-money miracle and doubled her income in the next year.

Nichole is now trained in “moneyspotting,” in addition to being certified as a Brainspotting Practitioner. She is currently deepening her training in Brainspotting by training to be a consultant.

Stop Worrying About Money and Start Thriving

It’s time to release the worry and the stress. Magical Mystical Money will help you tap into the magic and mysticism of your relationship with money so that you can finally experience a greater sense of ease around money and create the abundant business you’ve always dreamed of.

Are you ready to step into financial flow and unlock true abundance?

Join Magical Mystical Money today and experience the freedom that comes from aligning your energy, healing your money mindset, and finally welcoming wealth with ease.

Enroll Now and Begin Your Journey to Abundance!

You can participate in MMM in Two Ways:

  1. Get the entire experience: 12 weeks of money mindset content+Eight 1:1 60-minute Brainspotting/unconscious work with Nichole for $2222 (payment plans available). If you’re ready to get in: Set up a consult here.

  2. I just want the course! This is 100% an option, and you can have it for $555 by purchasing here. But I feel so strongly that the real key, the heart, of this course is the unconscious work that if you buy this course and then decide you want to add the sessions, I will deduct the $555 from the course investment.

Are you ready to feel like you will be ok with money no matter what?

Here’s the truth:

Women are historically underpaid; we couldn’t get a bank account or a credit card (without a man’s signature) until 1974, and we still experience sexism in the workplace.

Scarcity is embedded in the fabric of our beings. It makes sense that women are more stressed about money. We literally used to be “owned” by men. Women still look for a man to take care of them.

Of course, we do; women aren’t expected to understand money; that is a man’s job.

Still, when a woman reads through a magazine, you are told that, to get ahead, you are said to stop buying lattes and overspending. Meanwhile, men’s magazines discuss investing and taking more financial risks to get ahead.

It’s time to change that and replace it with empowerment.

You don’t have to perpetuate the fear, worry, and stress cycle, especially about MONEY!

When you are no longer under the grip of money anxiety, you are free to experience life fully.

You can come up with solutions and actually make more money.

Women are also charitable givers and make the biggest difference with their money. We give more, so we make a big impact.

So, your desire to make money and change your relationship to it doesn’t just impact you. It impacts your daughters, your nieces, your neighbors, and all of the generations that follow.

Are you ready to get started with money coaching that will get you real results?