5 Quick Ways to Feel Calm FAST

First of all, there are no quick fixes for anxiety. We need anxiety in our lives, it helps to keep you safe in times of danger. In our modern society we are rarely chased by tigers, but it does happen and when it does, you need to run.

Anxiety helps you to be aware when walking to your car, when something isn’t quite right with your baby, or when driving down the road and someone swerves into your lane. It helps you to react appropriately in the moment.

Ideally, your body reacts to the danger and then returns to a regulated state.

Unfortunately, most of the anxiety people experience these days becomes chronic. It doesn’t spike and then recede like it should. It spikes and stays spiked becoming chronic.

When you are in this state, you likely need therapeutic support to regulate your nervous system. Here are some practices to help you back into regulation. Always start any practice with giving yourself permission to feel exactly like you are feeling. `

1-Take care of basic needs: Am I thirsty? Drink water. Tired? Rest. Over-caffeinated? Eat some protein! Hungry? Again, eat something with protein. When your blood sugar drops, your body tries to bring it up. It pumps out epinephrine/adrenaline, your “fight or flight” hormone. Adrenaline also makes your heart race, your palms sweat, and it can make you feel irritable. These are warning signs that your blood sugar is too low. If it stays there, your body puts out more hormones, including one called cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Stress hormones put you in a sympathetic nervous state so you feel ready to fight or flee. So, eating to keep your blood sugar in check is important in helping you feel calm.

2-Orient to your environment. The act of noticing your surroundings with curiosity helps your nervous system to calm.

  1. Pause what you are doing and take note of your body.

  2. Let your eyes wander freely, wherever they want to go.

  3. Allow your head to move side-to-side, up and down. Pay attention, on purpose, to the space around you, including shapes, colors, textures, or whatever you are drawn to in that moment.

  4. Allow your eyes to settle on different items around the room.

  5. As you allow your eyes to settle at different points, notice how you are feeling in your body. You may already feel your breath naturally deepen, or feel a softening or sense of relaxation in your body.

  6. Feel free to practice sama vritti breath while your gaze is resting on an object.

3-Sama Vritti Breath: Sama means “equal” and vritti means “fluctuation.” Altogether it means: “equal mental fluctuation breathing”. The goal of this technique is to reduce mental chatter and distractions, regulate the nervous system, and calm and balance the mind. Simply breathe in for a comfortable amount of time, this is usually 4 or 5 counts, and out for the same count. The exhale might be harder than the inhale, so don’t push it on the inhalation. If you want to extend the exhale feel free to do so. Extending the exhale signals the nervous that you are safe. Being aware of your feet or pelvic floor will increase nervous system regulation.

4-Sometimes you need to move. When your body is pumping with stress hormones, it is usually poised to run and fight. So sitting still and breathing or orienting feels impossible. Move your body in a way that feels grounding. Go for a walk, do some slow sun salutations, dance, or lift weights. You can even do the dishes or take care of some laundry. But, steer clear of high intensity workouts that can exacerbate anxiety. And then try sitting on the earth, breathing, or orienting.

5-A VERY brief guided visualization to help you feel calm! Take your energy down your body. Doing so helps you to feel grounded and calm. Here is a quick audio to help you do so.

If You Need Additional Support: I am a licensed therapist and life coach who helps stressed out, overwhelmed, and worried women find calm and more relaxation in their lives. Check out my website at www.nicholejones.com. Feel free to reach out to me to talk about how I can support you. Reach out to me at 720-273-3492 or nichole@nicholejones.com.